How should I prepare before my appointment?
Be sure to arrive with a fresh clean face & clean lashes.
Bring your headphones with something to listen to (unless you plan on taking a lash nap). This is a quiet, relaxing service. Talking will move certain muscles in your face that can impact your Esthetician’s lash placement.
We ask that you please keep your phone on silent.
Remove any contact lenses. Your eyes will be closed for over an hour.
How long will the appointment take?
For the first full set, this will take approximately 2 hours.
A fill takes approximately 1 to 1.5 hours.
How long do the lash extensions last?
Without maintenance, your lash extensions will typically last 4-6 weeks.
To keep your lash extensions full and luscious, we recommend coming in for a fill every 2-3 weeks.
How should I take care of my lashes at home?
You’ll leave Bel Solé with 4 lash/mascara wands. Brush your lashes at least twice a day.
You can reuse your lash wands. Just wash with soap and water and let air dry. Store in a closed container.
It’s important to cleanse your lashes on a daily basis! Be sure to use an oil-free cleanser. You may use your lash wands (one to cleanse, one to brush) or, you can dispense a small amount of cleanser on your fingertips and gently cleanse your lashes between your index finger and thumb.
Refrain from using any oil-based eye shadow or eye liner.
Remember, your lashes can be effected by your sleeping positions.
Please note:
You should not receive lash extensions if you’ve had any of the following:
Pink eye within the last 30 days
Lasik eye surgery within the last 6 months
Permanent eye makeup within the last 3 months
Botox injections within the last 30 days
Blepharoplasty (eye lift) within the last 6 months
Thyroid disease